Our team at the Matt Brandt State Farm Agency have a new commitment.
We will use the 5 principles in our 01/03/21 @ 4:25 pm post to accept the responsibility to lift up each team member in our small business and their families when needed and share/spotlight the good each of us is doing to inspire us all to be better. Because we communicate and work closely together at least 5 days-a-week we are intimately aware of what is going on in each other’s lives.
We get to learn a lot about and from, inspire and love one another. We feel we have a responsibility to each other to…
1. Identify individuals in need and then appropriately coordinate and execute how they can be lifted up.
2. Communicate volunteer and service opportunities in your community (this would be a small community within a larger community).
3. Spotlight individuals that lift people up and encourage all to follow their lead.
4. Invite and inspire all members of the community (organizations, schools, colleges, families are of different sizes but we feel all can benefit by creating their own community) to get involved.
5. Use #liftupyourcommunity in your communications to spread the word.
We believe all organizations, companies, schools, colleges, families can and will benefit (some are already doing this).
The CALL TO ACTION is for every institution/unit to establish an online community hub/platform within itself to lift up the members of your organization, company, school, college and family.
We are excited about how this will lift up ourselves and our greater community!