March Spotlight

WE ARE EXCITED TO SHARE OUR MARCH SPOTLIGHT…. SARAH ADAMSON-MAIR Mother, Teacher, Volunteer, Healthcare Worker“ Choose Happy”... This sign sits in Sarah Adamson-Mair’s living room and sums her up in two simple words. Sarah was nominated by multiple people in the community, and after visiting with...

Update on Emmet

Update on Emmet - Class A Contractor and/or Donations Needed: Our community is awesome! Since sharing the below post last month we had a company reach out volunteering to head up this project. They visited the home to assess the situation and found that a significant amount of work was needed in...

February Spotlight

WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE OUR SPOTLIGHT FOR FEBRUARY!!!!! MR. DOC WILCOX When I spoke with Doc about the possibility of Spotlighting him he was humbled and honored. I know that Doc inspired me, and hope he inspires you too! Doc has lived in Lake Land’or for the past 11+ years. He has been married...
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