We want to meet you!

We want to meet you!

We look forward to the people we will meet, what we will learn and the experiences we will have. We will each post about how it’s going frequently throughout the year online. We encourage everyone to look for ways you can volunteer. As we embark on this our team will follow all COVID guidelines and restrictions. We also believe there are many ways to volunteer and lift up remotely without leaving your home or having physical contact during COVID. Stay safe and let’s lift up the community!#liftupyourcommunity

Volunteering is the best!!!

Volunteering is the best!!!

Each of the 5 members of the Matt Brandt State Farm agency is excited and committed in 2021 to set aside 2 work hours per month (total of 10 hours/month & 120 hours/year from our entire team) volunteering in our local community for something we are individually passionate about.