As we mentioned in a previous post our agency has committed as part of our Agency Creed to identify and fund one person/charity each month. A wonderful member of our community (who would like to remain anonymous) nominated our recipient for the month of January (thank you so much for the nomination 😀).

We are so excited about the experience we will have assisting this person in need in our community. Emmitt is an 86 year-old United States Army veteran who served in Korea. He cares for his 29-year-old autistic grandson with little help from anyone else. Funds are very tight. He has not been able to go to the VA to get his shots or medication due to COVID. His doctors have informed him it is safest for him to remain home to avoid possibly coming into contact with anyone carrying the virus.

He has extremely poor mobility and struggles to get around, but has to drive places for his grandson. They feel he is deserving of assistance. We were informed there are 2 things he is in desperate need of – a ramp for his home so he is able to access it easier due to his lack of mobility and repairs/renovations for his bathroom which is in very poor condition and not safe for him.

We are thankful for all the nominations we received from many members of our community and our team has decided that Emmitt is who we would like to assist (in a small way) this month of January. Our team will work with a local contractor in our community to fund the ramp that Emmitt needs to access his home. We can’t wait to get it completed for him!

**We invite a member(s) of our community that feels inspired to fund/repair the bathroom to contact us and we will provide details for you to coordinate the work.

**We have asked the individuals that nominated others to create a Facebook post, share it on their platform and tag/share/send it to us so we can, in turn, use our platform to inform our community. As they are shared we feel that other members of the community may be inspired to assist.

If you do, please message us privately and we will give you more details for you to coordinate relief. We know you will be blessed and feel lifted up yourself as you serve members of our awesome community.

Emmitt, thank you for your service to our country (that we love) and your wonderful grandson. Your sacrifice/love is inspiring to us and we are humbled and honored to assist you in your time of need. We truly feel we are the ones being blessed!

Please share and we ask that everyone that feels inspired to look for ways you can lift up others in need in your community! You won’t regret it! #liftupyourcommunity

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